Effective Date: Dec 18th,2021.
Quantum First Automation Inc.(“Quantum”, “we” or “our”) website uses cookies to distinguish you from otherusers of our website. This helps us to provide you with a quality websiteexperience and allows us to improve our site. By continuing to browse the site,or agreeing to this cookie policy, you are agreeing to our use of cookies.
A cookie is a small file of lettersand numbers we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer if youagree. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's harddrive.
Cookies and tracking devices used onQfautomation.com, as categorized by function:
Cookies can also be categorized byhow long they remain on your device. There are two broad categories of duration:
We use both persistent and sessioncookies. Our persistent cookies last no longer than one (1) year.
Information collected by our cookies:
Cookies on our website collectseveral types of information, including information about your usage of ourwebsite and we may collect your IP address as a logged file. An IP address is anumber assigned to your device, for example, your laptop or mobile phone, whenyour device accesses the internet.
To the extent that IP addresses arepersonal data under applicable data protection law, we treat it as personaldata. If we link information collected through cookies with any personaldata you provide to us through the website, e.g., through submitting a form, wealso treat that information as personal data. For information on how wehandle personal data collected through the site, please see our Privacy Policy.
How to manage cookies in yourbrowser:
Most modern browsers will allow youto:
You should be aware that anypreferences will be lost if you delete cookies. This includes where you haveopted out from cookies, as this requires an opt-out cookie to be set. Also, ifyou block cookies completely many websites will not work properly and somefunctionality on these websites will not work at all. We do not recommendturning cookies off when using our website and Services for these reasons.
If you are primarily concerned aboutthird-party cookies generated by advertisers, you can turn these offseparately.
Third-party cookies and trackingdevices:
Whenyou are on Qfautomation.com or any other Quantum property website you maynotice that there is content from other websites - for example, a video fromYouTube or links to maps using google maps. We may also provide you with theopportunity to share information with others using social networks such asFacebook, Instagram, and Twitter. We add this content from time to time toimprove the user experience. As a result, you may be sent cookies from theseother websites. We do not control these cookies and we suggest you check thesethird-party websites for more information about the cookies they use and howyou can manage them.
Further information about cookies:
If you wish to learn more aboutcookies in general and how to manage them, visit www.allaboutcookies.org.
Cookie Policy Updates: